Orthopaedica Belgica Fall Course - Shoulder Instabilityvendredi 1 décembre 2017 15:50 - vendredi 1 décembre 2017 15:56SORBCOT


Dear Colleague,


We have the pleasure to invite you to the 2017 Orthopaedica Belgica Fall Course, which will take place at the Elisabeth Centre Antwerp (next to the Zoo), on Friday the 1st of December 2017.



This symposium is co-organised by BVOT, SORBCOT and BELSS, and will feature Shoulder Instability as the main topic.  We aim to attract residents, young shoulder and upper extremity specialists, sports physicians and physiotherapists as well as senior experienced surgeons, to discuss shoulder instability at a multidisciplinary level.

We are proud to present a famous international faculty, who will perform live surgeries during the symposium: Lennard Funk from Manchester (UK), Sven Lichtenberg from Heidelberg (DE) and Paolo Paladini from Cattolica (IT).  Together with our national faculty, they will share their insights on diagnostic work-up, decision making and surgical techniques.

 Last but not least, Schoudernetwerk Vlaanderen will participate in the rehab session to discuss do’s and don’ts in the rehabilitation of the unstable shoulder.

 Discover the preliminary programme here under.

 Don’t wait any longer and benefit from the Early Bird Rate. Register online now: http://bvot-fall.be/-Registration--

 Please forward this invitation to your colleagues and friends who might be interested to join.

 Looking forward to seeing you there,


Olivier Verborgt

Alain Hebrant

Roger van Riet

BVOT President

SORBCOT President

BELSS President


 c/o Meet U There (PCO) – Congress secretariat


Preliminary Programme

08:30               Relevant basic principles for the surgeon



                         Clinical examination



09:45               Coffee Break & Visit of the Exhibitors


10:15               Live Surgeries

                         Live Surgery 1 – Sven Lichtenberg (DE)

                         Live Surgery 2 – Lennard Funk (UK)

                         Live Surgery 3 – Paulo Paladini (IT)


13:00               Lunch & Visit of the Exhibitors


14:00               Winners and Failures

15:00               Revision Surgery


15:30               Coffee Break & Visit of the Exhibitors


16:00               Rehab Session – in collaboration with Schoudernetwerk Vlaanderen

16:30               What the surgeon wants

16:45               What the physio wants

17:30               Adjourn



Agenda National

  • /index.php/agenda/event/554-congres-orthopaedica-belgica-2024Congrès Orthopaedica Belgica 2024 (25-04-2024)
  • /index.php/agenda/event/560-reunion-dautomne-de-la-sorbcotréunion d'automne de la Sorbcot (12-10-2024)
  • /index.php/agenda/event/559-conference-d-enseignement-de-la-sorbcot-sur-le-membre-supconférence d’enseignement de la Sorbcot sur le membre supérieur (30-11-2024)
  • /index.php/agenda/event/556-congres-orthopaedica-belgica-2025Congrès Orthopaedica Belgica 2025 (24-04-2025)

Agenda international

  • /index.php/agenda/event/561-elbow-instability-pathogenesis-managementELBOW INSTABILITY PATHOGENESIS & MANAGEMENT (23-05-2024)
  • /index.php/agenda/event/557-forte-summer-schoolFORTE Summer School (17-06-2024)