Dear congress participant, dear friends
As you have probably noticed, it is a challenging time due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe. With preparations well on their way for the upcoming EMSOS congress in Graz we would like to inform you that the organizers together with the EMSOS Board have decided to postpone EMSOS 2020 to take place on December 16-18, 2020 in Graz. Pursuant to recent statements issued by the WHO, ECC and to the current Austrian government’s decision to ban all gatherings of more than 100 people at indoor events, the difficulties for participants and speakers to reach the location and due to the uncertainty of possible further restrictions in Austria over the next few weeks, all involved organizing parties believe that this is the best solution. Furthermore, safeguarding the health and well-being of our members and partners should always be the highest priority for EMSOS.
Please rest assured that in these turbulent times, the entire EMSOS 2020 team is doing their best to respond to any query (send to emsos2020.org) at the earliest possible time and to make EMSOS 2020 in decemeber a spectacular and memorable event for all as the scientific program will not be subject to major changes.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to our participants and industry partners for their understanding, continuous support and flexibility.
We are already looking forward to welcoming you to EMSOS in December,
Yours sincerely,
The Organizing Committee