29th Brussels Hand/Upper limb Symposium
The last Brussels hand/upper limb symposium, focused on per-operative use of sonography in upper limb surgery, revealed that a substantial part of hand surgery can be performed percutaneously, under local anaesthesia and sonography guidance. Such procedures are well adapted to an office surgery setting. In addition to the obvious benefits for the patient, office surgery is cheaper, reduces pre-operative delays, and allows to reserve busy operative rooms for more complex cases. Office surgery will therefore improve the quality and the accessibility of care for our patients. Office hand surgery is not much practiced yet, it is a new form of medical care, posing specific challenges deserving careful preparation and evaluation.
The 2025 Brussels Symposium will be held during two days in the Medicine Museum of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. The first day will focus on the use of sonography in hand/upper limb surgery, from basics (including a practical course) to interventional aspects, and will particularly discuss recent innovations. The second day will deal with the advantages to use sonography as an alternative to invasives diagnostic procedures, and will cover the specific technical, logistic and legal aspects of office hand surgery.
As usual, the primary goals of the Brussels annual Hand/Upper Limb Symposium are to promote the exchange of new ideas, to establish guidelines on a consensual basis, and to foster collaborative investigations among various specialists. Much time will be set aside for the discussions. Please join us in 2025! Presentations will be by invited faculty, but a limited number of free papers will be as well accepted.
Much time will be kept for discussions and practical demonstrations.
F. Moungondo, MD, PhD
G , Antoniou, MD,
C. Gauthier , MD
B. Ghistelinck, MD
A. Ledoux , MD
L. Van Overstraeten, MD, PhD
F. Schuind, MD, PhD