17th Belgian Surgical Weekjeudi 19 mai 2016 - samedi 21 mai 2016SORBCOT
Voir l'affiche de l'évènement


Pr J. Lerut, President of the Royal Belgian Society of Surgery, invites our society members to the 17th Surgical Week, from May 19 tot May 21, 2016,  in the Square Congress Centre, at 200 m from the Central Station in Brussels. Subject : Cross Fertilization between Surgery and Transplantation Surgery.


Agenda National

  • /index.php/agenda/evenements-2/event/571-bapo-meeting-15BAPO meeting (29-03-2025)
  • /index.php/agenda/evenements-2/event/573-journee-bapo-95journée BAPO (29-03-2025)

Agenda international

Il n'y a aucun évènement