Orthopaedica Belgica Fall Coursesamedi 24 novembre 2018SORBCOT


Orthopaedica Belgica Fall Course on "Advances in Basic Science and Biological Treatments in Orthopaedics and Traumatology" - Saturday 24 November 2018


 Dear Colleague, Dear Friends


On behalf the BVOT and the SORBCOT we are pleased to announce that the Orthopaedica Belgica Fall Course 2018 will be organised on November 24, 2018 in the very beautiful theatre of the Hotel Plaza in the centre of Brussels.


The Course will be given in English.


As you know, this meeting is primarily aimed at the trainees but also the senior members of the BVOT and the SORBCOT.


We thought about a theme that is perhaps less usual but that seems to be fundamental in a formation, especially since new treatment techniques have emerged and certainly require a scientific approach:

Advances in Basic Science and Biological Treatments in Orthopaedics and Traumatology


Topics that will be adressed include:

  • Biomechanics
  • Biomaterials
  • Bioengeneering: CAOS, 3D imaging, virtual reality
  • Bone and Joint Biology
  • Biological Treatments:  Hyaluronic acid, PRP, stem cell, Bone morphogenetics proteins, natural or synthetic bone substitutes


We also want to give the opportunity to the ABAOT and the BOTRA to present some free communications competing for a prize.


Don't wait any longer and register online before 15 October to benefit from the Early bird rate.


We are looking forward to welcome you in Brussels.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the congress Secretariat at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. . They remain at your entire disposal for any questions or assistance.


Best regards,


David Zorman (Sorbcot President) – Guy Molenaers (BVOT President)



Agenda National

  • /index.php/agenda/event/571-bapo-meeting-15BAPO meeting (29-03-2025)
  • /index.php/agenda/event/573-journee-bapo-95journée BAPO (29-03-2025)

Agenda international

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