cours échographie musculosquelettique du 17/09 au 20/09/24mardi 17 septembre 2024 - vendredi 20 septembre 2024


Since ultrasound will be an important part of the training in PRM, this is an excellent opportunity for the trainees to lay a good foundation.
Our hands-on in small groups and with a lot of supervision are absolutely a must.
A warm recommendation.

Can you please forward the link with the program and the registration to your trainees?"

Avec mes meilleurs sentiments,
Prof Olivier Cornu


Agenda National

  • /index.php/agenda/event/571-bapo-meeting-15BAPO meeting (29-03-2025)
  • /index.php/agenda/event/573-journee-bapo-95journée BAPO (29-03-2025)

Agenda international

Il n'y a aucun évènement