BAPO meeting (combined with Dutch Society)vendredi 23 janvier 2015INTERNAtional


Combined meeting of the Werkgroep Kinderorthopedie Nederland and the Belgian association of Pediatric Orthopedics

Hip Disorders in the Infant, Child and Young Adult

Date: Friday 23rd  January from 10.00 am till 17.30 pm

Venue: UZ Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 101 Brussels, Auditorium Kiekens. Parking at P1

Preliminary Program:

Current aspects of ultrasound in DDH.
Dr. V. Pollet

Successful Pavlik harness treatment for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and normal X-ray at age two: is a longer follow-up necessary? 
Dr. N. Allington

Is prereduction traction useful in dislocated DDH?
Dr. M. Bellemans

SCFE: results of pinning in situ.
Dr P. Moens

SCFE: experience with modified Dunn procedure.
Dr. P-L. Docquier

The dislocated hip in Down patients.
Dr. F Plasschaert

The prognostic value of the head-shaft angle on hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy.
Dr. H. van der Sluijs

Experiences in Stanmore London " young adult hip unit"
Dr. A. Witlox

Pelvic osteotomy with hip Pathology.
Dr. M. Heeg

In the afternoon a free paper session is organized; various topics will be presented. You are invited to send in your presentation at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Registration: access to the meeting is free, please confirm your attendance before 14 January at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Accreditation: a request for accreditation has been submitted. A certificate of attendance will be provided.


Agenda National

  • /index.php/agenda/event/571-bapo-meeting-15BAPO meeting (29-03-2025)

Agenda international

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