This two-day event, organized by the Belgian Hand Group in collaboration with the Belgian Hand Therapists, the International Dupuytren Society, and the Dupuytren Research Group, will bring together leading experts to advance the understanding and treatment of Dupuytren disease and related conditions. Held every five years, the symposium serves as the premier academic gathering for Dupuytren specialists, researchers, and therapists worldwide.

In addition to the symposium, the Spring Congress will offer hands-on workshops on ultrasound—a crucial and increasingly used tool in hand surgery. Ultrasound plays an essential role in diagnosing and treating Dupuytren disease and is also gaining widespread use in other areas of hand surgery. These workshops will provide valuable insights into the practical applications of ultrasound in clinical practice.

There will also be a dedicated session addressing ethical and economic issues in the management of Dupuytren disease, encouraging lively debate and the sharing of ideas. Another important topic of discussion will be radioprotection, particularly as radiotherapy is being increasingly promoted for early Dupuytren disease. The symposium will cover safety protocols and best practices for minimizing risks associated with radiotherapy.

Good news! The abstract submission deadline has been extended to January 10, 2025! This is a unique opportunity for SORBCOT members to present new research, innovative techniques, and clinical findings in front of an engaged, expert audience. For more details on the symposium and to submit your abstract, please visit

Join us in Brussels for this landmark event, where you can engage with international experts, attend workshops, and contribute to important discussions on the future of Dupuytren disease treatment and hand surgery in general.

We look forward to welcoming you to Brussels in May 2025!

Ilse Degreef
Past President, Belgian Hand Group

Bernard Lefebvre
President, Belgian Hand Group & SORBCOT



Agenda National

  • /index.php/component/allevents/display/event/default/571-bapo-meeting-15?Itemid=179BAPO meeting (29-03-2025)

Agenda international

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