Conférence d’enseignement de la Sorbcot

La journée d'enseignement de la Sorbcot s'est tenue le 19/11/2022 à l'auditoire Roi Baudouin des cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc à Bruxelles

Les exposés sont accessibles via le lien suivant : conférence

Le programme était le suivant : 

07:45 – Registration, welcome coffee and visit of the exhibitors

08.30 – Welcome with start quizz – Dr Nanni Allington and Pr Frank Plasschaert

08.40 – The Hip
Moderators : Jean-Emile Dubuc & Emmanuel Audenaert

Quiz 1

08.45 – Detailed Anatomy of the Hip – Bilal Kapanci & Tatiana Charles

09.05 – Hip Biomechanics – Bilal Kapanci

09.25 – Surgical approaches of the Hip (6 min per speaker)

Introduction – Marc Jayankura

Lateral approach (Hardinge) – Olivier Cornu

Posterior approach (Moore) – Bonnevie Fergus – Thierry Thirion

Anterolateral approach (Rottinger) – Hervé Poilvache

Direct anterior approach (Hueter) – Laurent Clairbois

“Superpath” approach – Didier Postlethwaite

Trochanterotomy – Pascal Poilvache

10.25 – Q&A

10.35 – Coffee Break & visit exhibition

11.00 – The Foot (BFAS/EFAS)
Moderators: Dinh Qui Du Phan & Stefan Clockaerts

Quiz 2

11.05 – Introduction of BFAS and opportunities for Residents as member of BFAS/EFAS – Stefan Clockaerts

11.10 – Update on medical imaging in Foot and Ankle Surgery – Arne Burssens

11.25 – How to treat our patients comfortably in Foot and Ankle Surgery – Stefan Clockaerts

11.40 – Basic incision everybody should now and their relation to the surface anatomy of foot and ankle – Geoffroy Vandeputte

12.55 – What is laxity and instability in foot and ankle? – Frederik Michels

12.10 – Starting Surgeons position in foot and ankle – Gilles Thuysbaert

12.25 – Q&A

12.45 – Lunch & visit exhibition

14.00 – Guest Speaker: Est-ce vraiment utile de connaître l’anatomie pour opérer? – Dr Antoine Hamel

14.30 – The Knee
Moderators: Pieter Berger & Pierre Burton

Quiz 3

14.35 – Clinical exam of the Knee – Anaïs Legrand

14.50 – Well thought medical imaging of the Knee – Jérôme Demuylder

15.05 – Surgical approaches in Knee Arthroplasty – Alexandre Netten

15.20 – Q&A

15.35 – Coffee break & visit exhibition

16.00 – Preop planning in total Knee Arthroplasty – Pascal Poilvache

16.15 – MRI of the Knee: Do not misinterpret! – Maryam Shahabpour

16.30 – Axial deviations and osteotomy planning of the Knee – Andy Stefancu

16.45 – Ligamentous anatomy of the Knee – Anaïs Legrand

17.00 – Q&A

17.30 – Results of Quiz and Winner … and farewell drink

Agenda National

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Agenda international

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