On 27 November, an in-person congress finally, representatives of our various specialized committees as well as foreign speakers, will share with us the current evidence in the management of pathologies that are certainly common for specialists in the subject, but for which practitioners. specialists in other fields may no longer have completely up-to-date knowledge! How many times have yesterday’s truths become today’s heresies … and vice versa! Certainly we will all come out of this day with up-to-date knowledge and with a superb bound volume in which we can go back in time to the beginnings of our 100-year-old Company, practically to the day!
Accreditation will be requested, including for ethics points!
We are look forward to meeting you online soon.
Best regards,
Everard Munting (Sorbcot President) & Jan Noyez (BVOT President)
At the time of accepting the presidency of SORBCOT in December 2019, none of us knew SARS-Cov-2 or more colloquially the Covid19 which would soon reign as an absolute dictator over the world … Our sister company, the BVOT, which organized the 2020 congress in Ghent, finally had to resolve to organize – superbly – a virtual congress in November 2020. Our great Centenary Congress, planned in the center of Brussels on April 23 and 24, 2021 and bringing together all our members for a big celebration, had to be fundamentally redesigned to adapt to the health situation. Covid requires, the SORBCOT centenary congress will be divided into two parts. A first virtual morning on Saturday 24/04/2021 from 09:00 to 13:00, and a second part where we can reasonably hope to be able to meet again in person, on Saturday 27/11/2021 from 09:00 to 17:00. An exhibition of our industrial partners will take place there. It will also be an opportunity to offer each participant the book written by Jean-Jacques Rombouts and Jean Andries, retracing the entire history of SORBCOT since its inception. The theme of the two days is: ‘Orthopedic Surgery: The game changers: yesterday, today and tomorrow’ REGISTER NOW ONLINE USING :
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Not available on these dates? No problem, still register as the recording of the congress will be available to all participants for 6 months. On 24 April we will discuss the past and the future. Professor Jean-Jacques Rombouts will tell us about the major stages in orthopaedics over the past century. Belgium holds a significant place there! Afterwards, we will approach the future of orthopaedics through the lens of spine surgery, but with novelties that will interest everyone and will certainly find applications in all areas of orthopaedic surgery. Due to the need for a virtual meeting, we are fortunate to be able to bring together several internationally renowned speakers, who will share their vision of the future with us through their personal experience. Please find the programme. On 27 November, an in-person congress finally, representatives of our various specialized committees as well as foreign speakers, will share with us the current evidence in the management of pathologies that are certainly common for specialists in the subject, but for which practitioners. specialists in other fields may no longer have completely up-to-date knowledge! How many times have yesterday’s truths become today’s heresies … and vice versa! Certainly we will all come out of this day with up-to-date knowledge and with a superb bound volume in which we can go back in time to the beginnings of our 100-year-old Company, practically to the day! Site and program : https://orthobelgica.be Accreditation will be requested, including for ethics points! We are look forward to meeting you online soon. Best regards, Everard Munting (Sorbcot President) & Jan Noyez (BVOT President) |